Our names are Nicole and Daniel. Thank you for choosing to view our profile. We hope that our profile offers an accurate depiction of our life together, our love for each other, and the life and love that we have to offer a child.
We know that you have many difficult decisions ahead of you. We thank you for considering adoption and us as potential adoptive parents.
We attended the same middle school, high school, and college, but did not meet until afterwards, in 2013, through Facebook Messenger. We became close friends immediately, but did not start dating officially until 2019. Over the course of our relationship, we have grown as a couple, as well as individuals. On September 11th of 2024, we were married.
Nicole has wanted to become a parent through adoption since she was a child, and many of Daniel’s extended family members are adopted. For years, we tried to conceive biologically, which, it turns out, is not a possibility for us. After receiving nothing but support from friends and family, the decision to pursue adoption was an easy one to make.
Although this process has taken many years, we have found small ways to prepare for a child in our home and keep our hope that we will one day have a child to raise.
Expectant mothers who choose to make an adoption plan may qualify for some level of financial assistance during their pregnancy. However, each person's situation and specific needs are different. Your adoption social worker can help you determine what level of assistance you qualify for and deserve. Many expectant mothers qualify for financial assistance to cover basic pregnancy and living expenses, including but not limited to - transportation reimbursement, utility assistance for phone, water, and electricity/gas, maternity clothing and supplements, etc.
It won't cost you anything. If you choose to place your baby for adoption, all of your medical and legal fees will be covered and you may be eligible for financial assistance with other pregnancy-related expenses.
Yes. Even if you don’t know the identity of the birth father, you can still choose to make an adoption plan. However, every adoption situation is different. The adoption social worker you’re assigned to will get to know you and your story first, and then guide you through the process accordingly.
You can make an adoption plan at any point in your pregnancy, even after the baby has been born. But, it's important to start the process as early in your pregnancy as possible. Connecting with those resources will allow you to gain access to important medical services, including prenatal care, to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.
One aspect of your adoption plan is the "Hospital Plan" an outline of how you'd like your hospital stay and delivery to go. You can craft this on your own or with the help of your adoption social worker. But everything is up to you. You’ll be able to choose who comes to the hospital with you, who is in the room with you during delivery, and how much time you’d like to spend with the baby before signing the final papers.
As part of your adoption plan, you'll determine whether or not you’d like to have an open or closed adoption or something in between. Open adoptions may include phone calls, messaging (via social media, email, or text), and/or periodic visits each year. Closed adoptions may include no contact at all or annual updates provided to the birth parent(s) by the adoptive family. Each post-adoption relationship is different and can vary based on what an expectant mother chooses in her adoption plan.
I have been in training for my new position, at 50%, for almost two weeks. The more that I learn about my new job, the more I think that I will like it. I am quite excited to fully transition to the position. I have been mentoring and training two new people at work, as well, so my work life has been pretty busy.
The last two weeks have been super cold, so I have been completing my workouts from home. I have been focused on meal planning and prepping too. I have read a few books this year already. I have been doing my nails more often. I have a couple of friends that sell Colorstreet, and over the last few years, I have become obsessed! Dan's dad got me a sublimation printer for Christmas. I have not used it yet, but I think that I am going to use it and do some crafting this weekend. I have also been spending time catching up with friends, and have plans to go to the movies on Sunday, with my friend Grace.
Because of the cold, the pups are all still in the house. Dan is loving all of the snuggles from Evie. She gets up super early in the morning with me and hangs out for my workouts. Sometimes she even tries to workout with me.
Here is a cute picture of my workout partner this morning.
I have a super close relationship with my parents.
I got to spend some time with my mama the other day. Our cleaning lady came to clean the house on Saturday. We like to stay out of the way, so we went to breaktast and then to hang out at my parents' house. We spent about half of the day just visiting, snacking and watching t.v.
Last weekend Daniel went to play poker with some friends, at a friends house., while my cousin and I went to lunch and shopping.
This weekend was spent together and with family. Saturday we had a breakfast date and then hung out at my parents. We spent Sunday at home, watching movies and relaxing together.
Typically, our dogs spend most of their time outside. Gus is our gentle giant. He has his own outdoor kennel, in the garage. He loves having his own space. Gus is 9 years old, which makes him quite an old man. He loves squeaky toys, sleeping, treats/food and being outside.
Evie is our snuggly, sweet pup. Evie can bark, but never does. She is timid, but LOVES to snuggle once she warms up to you. Evie loves positive praise. Evie is 7 years old. With it being so cold, Evie has been inside, as she is the smallest dog that we have.. She enjoys sneaking into our bed, even though she has her own bed on the floor.
Rocky is the playful puppy. With Gus being as old as he is, I got Rocky, thinking that we would not have much more time with Gus. Gus has proven me wrong! Rocky enjoys attention (pets, cuddles, being spoken to). Rocky loves snacks, destroying his toys and playing outside. Rocky loves the snow (especially eating it).
I have been training my replacement for work. I start my new position on Monday and I cannot wait! Daniel has been preparing for the busy part of tax season.
With as crazy as life can get we try to have date night, at least a couple of times each month. We received lots of gift cards for Christmas, as well as for our wedding, so this month, we have had more date nights. As hectic as things have been, this month, it is so nice to slow down and be present with each other. We had an Olive Garden date night a few nights ago and just caught up with each other.
We both believe that the process of adoption has brought us closer together, as a couple, and as friends. The process of adoption has encouraged us to grow as a team, as well as express our individual strengths.
Waiting has always been hard for me. I am the type of person that works hard for the things that I want. I think that one of the best feelings in the world is seeing the result of something that you worked very hard to obtain. This year has been a year where I have seen many results of things that I have worked hard for. I have a wonderful marriage, with the most amazing man, I have a job that I have always dreamed of having, we have a beautiful home, Daniel is a co-owner of his business, and he also got a new truck last year.
Things have been crazy at times, and boring at times, but in the best way possible. For that reason, I really struggled with blog topics and updated pictures. Daniel and I used to be the kind of people that did not enjoy sitting idol, however, during our time together, we have focused on creating our life together. This has led us to spending more time at home, at camp, or catching up with friends and family.
We have been fortunate to have the support of our friends and family. We are often asked about the adoption process and how things are going. A close friend of mine had a still birth a few years ago. She provided us with all of the baby items that she had, as she wanted us to use them for our baby. We have been offered child care assistance from friends and family members. My co-workers have reported being excited for me to bring a baby into the office to visit. They have stated that he or she is already well loved by my co-workers. One of my co-workers has a daughter that gave a child up for adoption. They have an open adoption and still see the child sometimes. My co-worker has talked with me, in depth, about their experience, what they looked for in a family, and has also assisted with putting my worries at ease, regarding the process. Daniel's family members, that have adopted children, have shared their experiences with us.
While waiting, I have found myself focusing on the gym, nutrition, reading and crafting.
We are excited to meet you!
It is super cold out today! The beginning of our week of freezing temps. I worked out from home this morning, as it was wayyy too cold to leave the house. I do my morning workouts at 4:00 a.m. I have weights, a yoga ball, yoga mats and a walking pad that I use for my at home workouts.
I am off work today, due to it being MLK day. I am spending the day with the pups, watching the movie 42, and reading. I enjoy doing my nails with Colorstreet nails, and I plan to redo my nails today also. There is nothing better than a good self-care day!
This weekend was a weekend of quality time for me and Daniel. We went to the movies together, and used one of our Christmas gift cards to get dinner at Bob Evans.
This is my last week in my current position at work, Monday I begin my new position. I am very excited for a change, and to meet and network with new people. I am excited for professional growth, in a field that I am very passionate about.
Cheers to change!
This week has been super busy and chaotic.
I went without a vehicle for the week, as my car was being worked on. I am also training her replacement for my current position, and work has been crazy. I cleared my cube out, at the office, as my new position will be fully remote. I have been working hard to set up my home office the way that I want it to be.
Daniel was ensuring that I had rides to and from work. He also stepped up by making dinners, being the primary caretaker for the dogs, and taking my car to and from the repair shop.
Daniel is also preparing for his busiest season at work, tax season.
With the weekend finally here, Daniel went to the golf simulator with some friends. I am spending a quiet night in, playing repair woman with my cricut maker, watching movies, and reading before bed time. We also plan to spend some quality time together, as the chaos of this week prevented us from spending much time together.
We continue to look forward to welcoming a child into our lives.
All the best,
Nicole & Daniel
Life lately has been lots of preparing and planning. Nicole cleaned out her work office, and has been putting her home office more together. Nicole begins her new position (for the same employer) at the end of the month. This position will be fully remote, and will offer more opportunities for professional growth.
With tax season coming up, work for Daniel has been quite busy, as well. Daniel and his co-workers have been doing a lot of preparation, and have hired additional staff.
As a couple, we have been continuing to plan for what life with a child will be like. We are fortunate and have had lots of friends and family members provide us with baby items. We currently have everything that we need to create a nursery for baby, which has fueled our excitement.
We have also enjoyed our time as a newly married couple. We have spent lots of time with friends and family, as well as downtime with each other. We enjoy having relaxed days, spent watching movies indoors. We also enjoy going to spend time with friends together. Daniel's winter golf league has started. He goes once each week. On those nights, Nicole gets dinner from her favorite Mexican restaurant, and watches t.v., or reads books.
With the cold weather, Daniel loves snuggling with the dogs, and with Nicole, as he is a big cuddler.
We continue to receive a lot of love and support in our adoption journey. Our friends and family ask for adoption updates often. Nicole's co-workers have already expressed love and excitement for baby.
We look forward to meeting you.
As a New Years Eve tradition, we get together with Nicole's parents, at their house. Nicole's dad loves the old Twilight Zone, and there is always a marathon on New Years Eve and New Years Day. This year Nicole's nephew joined us. We order pizza, have snacks, watch the Twilight Zone, and watch the ball drop (if we are all still awake at midnight).
November and December of 2024 were filled with lots of family, holiday fun!
We had Thanksgiving with each of Daniel's parents. We also had Thanksgiving with Nicole's family.
The first weekend in December, Daniel's extended family had their family Christmas. Daniel has a large extended family. Every year they rent out places around the state of Michigan, in order for the entire family to get together in one place. They play games, eat lots of food, exchange gifts and the children play together.
We then had Christmas with each of Daniel's parents, as well as his sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephews.
Christmas with Nicole's family happened on Christmas Eve. Nicole's parents, sister, brother-in-law and niece and nephew were all there. Nicole's family exchanges presents with one another. Nicole's family also plays Bingo every year. Everyone supplied wrapped prizes and the family played Bingo for the prizes. Nicole's dad has a microphone and speaker that he uses to call numbers from a Bingo ball cage. Nicole's family has stuffed cabbage, every year for Christmas, as a Romanian family tradition. At the end of each Christmas, Nicole's dad plays, "The War is Over", by John Lennnon, on his record player.
WOW what busy months August and September were!
Our adoption profile was finalalized in late August, we then decided to get married on our anniversary, which was in September.
With just three weeks to plan, our family and friends pulled together to help us plan the most amazing wedding and reception that we could have ever imagined having. Our wedding and reception occurred at a local golf course. Although we decided to keep the ceremony small, we both had friends and family, from all over, in attendance. We both also had friends and family all over the globe, send us cards and gifts.
Daniel and I had a mini-moon, at a local hotel, not far from the golf course, where we were married.
Over the years, spending one on one time with my parents has become more and more important to me. My mom and I go to Florida, every year, and stay in Daniel's dad's condo. In 2021, my dad and I went hunting, on my parents' property (camp). It was my first time ever. We saw lots of deer, but I did not shoot at anything. This year, we decided to go again. It was an oddly quiet morning, and we were debating leaving when two bucks walked in front of the swamp. My first deer was a buck and my dad got to experience it with me. He was so excited!